Things in Heaven and Earth – a remarkable story

When I first heard the story that inspired the writing of my book, Things in Heaven and Earth, I was immediately drawn in. However improbable it sounded, I felt a sense of excitement bubbling just beneath the surface, as if something of great importance had come my way. I was no stranger to unusual events. I’d experienced some of my own: powerful meetings that changed the course of my life; sudden flashes about people and situations that turned out to be true; encounters with strangers who felt like old friends. I believe these are common to most of us, whether we admit to it or not!  They are what I call slips in time.  But this story is on a level all of its own. It hints at parallel lives and precognition and dissolves the boundaries between people and their personal stories. To quote somebody who was present when the couple first met, “It overturned the norm so dramatically that nobody knew, or would ever come to  know, what had happened. As a witness, it was, without doubt, the most remarkable event of my life.”